Training Programs Design

Training programs modules were designed to be offered through two approaches:  

Open Enrollment Programs Approach:  These programs are scheduled with regular intervals throughout the year and offered with minimum customization of contents and time, targeted towards individuals/organizations with or without nominations from corporate sector.  

Customized Modules Approach: These programs are highly customizable and only offered for selected partnering Saudi corporations. These programs require in-depth Training need analysis (TNA) to be conducted by our expert faculty team in consultation with client management. It may take some time to deliver the training solutions tailored to client’s needs and objectives but it helps organizations to achieve success as per their own goals.  

Customization of programs is available for:  

Customization by Content: Contextualized to the specific organization/industry and provides client’s own case studies / examples.  

Customization by Methods: Programs may be delivered through simulations, business games, role playing, dummy interviews etc.  

Customization by Participants: Training will be tailored to the different levels of management and cohorts


Training Segments 

In attempted to satisfy the need for different management hierarchies of current and future executive and professionals, RISKS training programs are being offered through three separate tracks (Senior Executives & Managers, Functional Managers & Supervisors, and Technical & Operational staff) with each having different admission requirements, objectives, and method of education and learning.  

EXECUTIVES AND MANAGERS TRACK: The modules of the program will be delivered through visiting foreign trainers (preferably from top business schools of USA, UK and Australia). Normally senior executives need strategic risks management or risk leadership development programs. Occasionally they need accelerated management development programs or succession planning programs. The frequency of such programs will be very low but these programs will have the paramount importance for us as the participants (senior executives) will decide about the continuance of their organization’s business based on their self-experience with us  

FUNCTIONAL MANAGERS AND SUPERVISORS TRACK: The modules of the program are offered for  the  mid-level  managers/Officers/supervisors  to  develop  their  risk and resilience competencies  and  these modules provide the participants with a targeted and flexible means to advance their career development goals. The modules are led by visiting foreign trainers as well as by senior experts and senior corporate executives from blue-chip multinational companies.  

TECHNICAL  &  OPERATIONAL  STAFF  TRACK:     It  also  offers  in-demand  vocational, engineering and technical training courses to meet the needs of professionals for risk and resilience career enhancement. . These modules are led by visiting foreign trainers, senior experts, and senior corporate experts from blue-chip multinational companies. 

Training Modules

Principles of Risk Fundamentals of Risk Management2 Days
 Risk Masterclass5 Days
Context and Objectives Embedding Risk Management2 Days
 Practical Risk Appetite and Tolerance2 Days
 Senior Risk Masterclass3 Days
 Operational Risk Masterclass3 Days
 Risk Champions1 Day
 Project Risk Management2 Days
 Managing Risk in a Digital World1 Day
 Risk Culture1 Day
 Risk Management for Oil and Gas1 Day
 Risk Management for Infrastructure3 Days
 Enterprise Risk Management for leaders, influencers and decision makers3 Days
 People Risk & Resilience Discovery1 Day
 Advanced Enterprise Risk Management: Masterclass3 Days
Risk Assessment Effective Risk Registers and Assessment1 Day
 Optimizing Risk Workshops1 Day
 Root Cause Analysis – Advanced Problem Solving 2 Days
Action, Monitoring and ReviewCertified in Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM)4 Days
 Risk Reporting1 Day
 Organizational Resilience1 Day
 Choosing and Using Key Risk Indicators1 Day
Communication and Consultation Risk in the Boardroom1 Day
 Reputational Risk1 Day
 Improving Decision Making and Expert Judgement1 Day

*All training courses Accredited by IRM  

Fundamentals of Risk Management   

Managing risk is an inherent part of delivering organizational success today. This course covers the fundamentals of enterprise risk management in a dynamic and interactive learning environment. The course will use the theory and practice of risk management in-line with international standards (ISO 31000) and industry best practice.          

The course uses a combination of case studies, practical exercises and current affairs to bring material to life. Our trainers will bring you a wealth of industry expertise. On completion of this course you should have a solid understanding of how effective risk management can benefit your organization.  

Risk Masterclass  

This masterclass is based on the content of our three most popular and practical courses: the fundamentals of risk management (FoRM), embedding risk management ERM) and effective risk registers and assessments (ERRA) and brings them into a tailored masterclass of risk management essentials. You will gain a broad and deep understanding of risk management. The masterclass will be delivered over 5 intensive days.  

Embedding Risk Management  

The more deeply a risk manager succeeds in influencing the organization’s entire culture, the greater their ability to influence how risks are identified and acted upon. Aligning risk management with general management ensures it becomes part of an organization’s core philosophy.  

Embedding Risk Management is a practical two-day workshop on how to set up, enhance or review a risk management framework. You already understand the process of risk management. The next step is to equip yourself to fully integrate business risk and opportunities for innovation into your organization’s corporate governance model. Our interactive workshop sessions explore the barriers stifling risk management, and analyze the different solutions. Packed with a series of models you will leave with a toolbox of useful ways of making risk in your organization more synchronized with how you run your organization.  

The course charts the 5 stages of the risk management process which are  

  • Organizational objectives  
  • Organizational risk appetite  
  • Risk evaluation  
  • Risk treatment  
  • Risk assurance  

In each stage, we will help you identify practical ways to implement a solid, sustainable and easy way to operate risk management framework in your organization. We operate small teaching groups so it can be tailored to your needs.  

Practical Risk Appetite and Tolerance  

Risk appetite defines the boundaries of risk an organization accepts when setting targets and making business decisions. It has a crucial role in effective risk management, but is a complex area which involves balancing competing interests. RISKS two-day training explores the amount of risk your organization is willing to seek or accept to achieve its objectives. We give you the theory behind risk appetite thinking and the hands-on skills and practical knowledge to build an effective risk appetite framework to benefit your own organization. You will learn precisely how to analyze risk appetite and the tools to implement this key aspect of risk management in your role.  

Senior Risk Masterclass  

The senior masterclass will be based on 3 days of highly intensive strategic risk training that is designed for a senior audience. To ensure the full effect, it is advisable to have a broad understanding of risk management before participating in this course.  

The senior masterclass will cover enterprise risk management from a senior management perspective and will place a focus on governance, risk and controls. The 3 days will focus on business dilemmas that fall around risk culture and people at risk. The content will cover risk appetite and tolerance, risk culture, reputational risk and place a heavy focus on risk governance and board level risk.  

The learning objective of this course is to address business dilemmas and help create a culture in your organization that ensures that risk management is not just a checklist feature; it’s an embedded component in your organization’s DNA. You will learn what the most important processes are to manage in your organization and what processes can and should be used to help your organization remain in “safe” mode.  

You will have projects and homework to take home that will go towards building a case study of a complete and effective risk management framework that is tailored specifically to your organization. The case study can be based on your organization or a number of pre-selected organizations if this is more appropriate. Towards the end of the masterclass each attendee will get the chance to present their case study to the trainer, the masterclass attendees and to a member of our technical committee and a member of our board of directors. The objective is to gain expert advice from industry leaders. The “build as you go” workbook will help you to put your learning and knowledge into practice. 

Operational Risk Masterclass  

From risk environment to risk culture, the course covers in breadth and depth the most topical elements of operational risk management and its challenges for the financial services industry.  

Designed by a world leading expert in the field and delivered by highly regarded speakers, the course is a must-have for all the operational risk practitioners wishing to benchmark their practice and discuss best practices. It is also a fantastic opportunity for newcomers to gain a comprehensive overview what modern operational risk managers need to know.  

Delegates will leave the course equipped with a new network of practitioners, a wealth of content, additional references and readings.  

Risk Champions  

As a core organizational capability, enterprise risk management (ERM) requires a devolved, systematic and consistent approach to identifying and managing all types of risk to realize business objectives and seize new opportunities. At the heart of this approach lie the decision-makers across the organization whose perceptions of risk and behaviors will define the organization’s risk culture and affect whether risk is managed within appetite. Given that Risk Champions are the human operational engine supporting ERM, it is vital that they have the knowledge, skills and tools required to implement risk management, understand its connection to other disciplines (e.g. resilience), deliver effective risk communication and influence decision-makers to enable their organization to be successful risk takers.  

This two-day course provides delegates with the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and tools they require not only to support their respective areas or functions in implementing effective operational risk management and integrating risk management with disciplines including audit, compliance and resilience. It also positions them to become vital agents in improving risk-based thinking, supporting a positive risk culture and enabling their organizations to view risk as opportunity. The course does this by combining practical knowledge and application of risk management tools with a variety of techniques used to understand risk culture, employ the power of persuasion and master communication and negotiation strategies to influence stakeholders.  

Project Risk Management  

An introduction to project risk management that enables a team to identify, classify and manage risk systematically for the duration of a project, taking full account of corporate aims in order to control the probability and mitigate the impact of an adverse risk event.  

Managing Risk in a Digital World  

This Digital Risk training course will cover some of the most pressing and critical areas of enterprise risk management that executives in organization’s worldwide currently face. In a world that is increasingly moving to a digital future and where disrupting technologies and competitors come at a much faster speed than ever before, this course will look at the upcoming technology from Artificial Intelligence to Blockchain.  

In this digital future, it is more important than ever for organization’s to have an online presence, take advantage of the latest technology & big data whilst also preparing for the future by considering future technologies. The course discusses the importance of not getting left behind the competition and how to avoid the pitfalls of choosing technology which can often be costly, require great resources and can require a change of business processes. In addition to choosing the right technology, the course will also consider the increased exposure to Cyber Attacks such as Phishing, Viruses and Hacking that having more reliance on digital technology presents.  

Whilst Virus scanners, firewalls and other security measures are necessary, something which is often overlooked in relation to cyber security and digital technology is that of people. Employees, customers, contractors and visitors to the organization all pose the biggest digital threat. 90% of cyber-attacks are successful due to human error, customers expect and demand user friendly interfaces, safety of data and privacy and the role of social media is ever increasing. This course focuses on all these areas and aims to use real case examples and practical solutions.  

Risk Culture  

This one-day course will cover the concepts of risk culture and what it means for your organization. You will also learn how to improve risk taking through the implementation of effective risk management techniques. Delivered through presentations, interactive workshops and group work, you will have plenty of opportunities to learn from the experiences of other delegates.

Risk Management for Oil and Gas  

The course covers the fundamental aspects of enterprise risk management but specifically tailored for the oil and gas sector.  

You will learn about the theory and practice of risk management at an enterprise and project level, focusing on oil and gas case studies such as; oil price, working in politically unstable environments, managing projects portfolios and supply chain. 

Risk Management for Infrastructure  

This advanced course establishes the knowledge and skills required to apply the fundamentals of risk management to a project, program or portfolio within an Infrastructure capital asset delivery environment.  

Over the space of two days, delegates will learn about risk management standards and the benefits they can have for their organization. The course provides an overview of risk management, explores how to develop a functioning risk management strategy and establishes an effective, step-by-step risk management process.  

This course has been developed and will be delivered by risk consultants from the UK, US and Saudi leading Infrastructure risk management consultancy.  It distils the field of risk management into the essentials that you need to know in order to deliver effective risk management in a major program environment.  

Enterprise Risk Management for leaders, influencers and decision makers  

This three-day executive training course will cover some of the most pressing and critical areas of enterprise risk management that executives in organizations worldwide currently face.  

As well as placing a core focus on managing and reducing risk, this course will also cover an aspect of risk management that is often overlooked; that organizations should take risk and that it is the people within the organization that drive success.  

You will learn how to better position risk management to influence and improve the strategy of the organization as well as to improve decision making and increase organizational resilience. Resilience is of vital importance in a world that is increasingly moving to a digital future and where disrupting technologies and competitors come at a much faster speed than ever before. With the ever increasing exposure to Digital risks, it is additionally important to be prepared and ultimately safeguard the reputation of the organization.  

There will be a focus on how to analyze your organizations top corporate and strategic risks using a number of techniques and ensuring it is part of business-as-usual by implementing advanced methods of reporting and building a strong and positive risk culture. Part of the learning will be around implementing tools to help identify emerging risks and black swans with a focus on digital risk and the protection of reputation.  

On completion of this course expect to have a solid understanding of how to take risk management to the next level within your organization by building it into strategy, culture and decision making at the very top levels of the organization. Expect to be in a stronger position to add value by protecting reputation and having a stronger understanding of the Digital pitfalls and opportunities that your organization should be focused on.  

People Risk & Resilience Discovery  

Exploiting risk-based decision-making to create and protect organizational value  

People are the single most important asset in any organization. Their decisions and behaviors introduce threats and opportunities to the operations and strategic objectives of their organization’s, constituting ‘people risk’ – an area of risk so often ignored.  

Whilst leading international standards (e.g. ISO 31000) acknowledge the role of human and cultural factors in setting the optimum conditions for risk-based thinking, decision-making and behavior, few organizations understand how to actually go about creating a positive risk culture.  

This course enables you to understand how your emotional intelligence, risk competencies, values, behavioral tendencies and individual risk tolerance (i.e. ‘Risk Intelligence’) contribute to your organization’s risk and resilience efforts.   

As part of this course, RISKS will use a Volumetric tool (known as the ‘Risk & Resilience Discovery tool’) to facilitate the collection and analysis of ‘Risk Intelligence’-related data.  

Understanding how to use your own Risk Intelligence will provide you with an incredible insight into how to boost your own performance. Understanding how this applies to your workforce will enable your organization to i) identify current levels of ‘people risk’, ii) more accurately predict others’ approaches to decision-making and iii) encourage appropriate behavior in relation to risk-taking as part of good risk culture. This will ultimately improve risk and resilience performance across the organization.    

Advanced Enterprise Risk Management: Masterclass  

This masterclass takes the content of our three most popular and practical courses: the fundamentals of risk management and embedding risk management (ERM) and brings them into a tailored masterclass of risk management essentials. You will gain broad and deep understanding of risk management. The masterclass will be delivered over 3 intensive days.  

On Day one you will be introduced to risk management; what it is, the framework, examining the risk processes and covering the context and vocabulary of risk management. In the afternoon focus on the importance of Objective setting and how & why Culture works in an organization.  

Day 2 will focus on the operational sections of a risk framework including: Risk Identification & Assessment, Risk responses & resilience to handle change.  

On Day three you will delve into the tricky area of risk appetite & tolerance and finish up with risk Assurance which is how the organization’s stakeholders get comfortable with the robustness of the risk framework in your organization.  

Effective Risk Registers and Assessment  

A good risk register informs corporate decision-making, and allows an organization to show how it is identifying and managing threats to its objectives effectively.  

This course gives you practical tools and techniques to create your own risk management toolkit. Find out how to engage the interest of all stakeholders to capture valuable information from them, and how to inform decision makers of the greatest threats they face.  

Optimizing Risk Workshops  

Structured risk workshops are vital to the success of risk management, promoting the role and value of risk policy and the risk management function. This course provides you with the guidance and tools to run workshops effectively. Delivered through practical exercises, group work and discussions, the emphasis of the course is on the application of workshop techniques.  

Root Cause Analysis – Advanced Problem Solving 

Sologic’s world-class Advanced Problem Solving course combines state of the art Root Cause Analysis (RCA) methods with proven management techniques to teach you how to identify, dissect and address the root causes of even the most complex problems, challenges and opportunities.   

Across the two-day course, you will examine the different tools and techniques required to support excellence in RCA problem solving. Attendees will apply their new skills to industry specific challenges and case studies.   

Attendees will receive a license to Causelink; Sologic’s RCA Reporting Software and a comprehensive RCA Manual.  

Certified in Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM)  

Quantitative Risk Management represents the discipline which deals with the ability of an organization to quantify and manage its risk. This scientific approach to business is becoming increasingly critical in today’s world as organizations need to satisfy stakeholders who demand it.  

The IIPER-CQRM accreditation is one of the fastest-growing international qualifications recognized by a growing number of multiple international institutions. These currently include the Project Management Institute (PMI), CFA Institute, AACSB International, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Energy Institute, Institution of Chemical Engineers and the Institute of Risk Management, all of whom are providing from 30 to 45 CPD,PDU and CPE credits.   

The IIPER CQRM is a 4-day classroom-based course, including a final day, two-hour open book exam. The IIPER CQRM accreditation course will cover the detailed concepts of Integrated Risk Management techniques.  

These will include:  

  • Quantitative Monte Carlo Risk Simulation   
  • Forecasting analysis and predictive modelling   
  • Project portfolio selection and optimization   
  • Business Intelligence and Data Science analytics   
  • Strategic real options valuation.  

Risk Reporting  

Timely, accurate and effective risk reporting is an integral part of a strong risk management framework. Many organizations already have risk reporting processes in place. These are not always reviewed as often as they should be to ensure the best and latest risk reporting techniques are being used to enhance decision making.  

This one-day course will explore the latest best practices and provide a basic grounding in the design and implementation of effective risk reporting. 

Organizational Resilience  

The issues of poor resilience management are never far from the headlines – Industry needs to be ready and able to deal with potential emergencies and disruptive events; these can range from natural disasters like flooding or heavy snow to deliberate acts or attacks. Crises can happen suddenly (for example, an aircraft crash) or develop gradually (for example, a ‘flu epidemic or widespread industrial action).  

This course aims to provide you with a practical integrated approach to the fundamental principles of risk & resilience management by promoting solutions not fear, to enable your organization to withstand the worst.   

Choosing and Using Key Risk Indicators  

Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) help organizations prevent risks and exploit the opportunities they offer. This one-day course will guide you through the use of KRIs, showing you how they can be used as a powerful management tool to improve risk awareness and the execution of business objectives.  

Delivered through a mix of presentations, group discussions and guided exercises, you will learn, step-by-step, the methodology behind preventive KRIs. By the end of the course you will understand the role played by KRIs within an enterprise-wide risk management framework.  

Risk in the Boardroom  

In an era of increasing concerns regarding reputational risk and with companies under greater scrutiny by their stakeholders (including regulators), boardroom competency in the area of risk management is now seen as a core skill.  

As part of their role Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) in particular should exercise independent oversight by positively challenging and asking tough questions about executive decisions. It is no coincidence that two of the key criteria the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) applies in considering the suitability of candidates for NED roles are independent judgment and the relevant skills to challenge executives. More and more, this involves understanding and shaping the organization’s risk culture enabling the board to examine how risks are managed and decisions are made in order to meet and exceed strategic objectives.  

RISKS Risk in the Boardroom program, which we offer as a one-day course, gives you a practical overview of what board members and stakeholders need to know about managing business risk and how it is a key element of good corporate governance. It demonstrates the importance of risk management as a regular, strategically-focused activity – and not merely a compliance-driven add-on.  

Suitable for all board members and those who support the board, extensive prior knowledge of the subject is not a prerequisite for this course. You will be guided by an experienced risk professional who has both sat on and advised boards on corporate governance, and helped companies to enhance their risk management systems.  

Reputational Risk  

People are more aware than ever of the global, ethical and environmental issues that exist in our world today and this is increasingly influential in driving consumer buying behaviors. With the addition of technology allowing anyone to share news, thoughts or rumors to millions of people at the click of a button, organizations are more exposed than ever to their reputation, which often takes years or decades to build, and which is often considered a competitive advantage, being damaged with greater impact than before and with less time to respond.   

This interactive course teaches you how to ensure that your organization’s reputation continues to be a critical asset and how to protect it, or, in some cases enhance it further, even if the worst should happen. It will focus on traditional sources of reputational risk such as supply chain and fraud, as well as looking at the new realities of digital risk, from social media risk management to cyber risk.   

The course provides participants with preventative tools that protect and enhance your reputation, and the corrective tools for recovering damaged trust. More importantly, it equips participants with the knowledge to enhance current Enterprise Risk Management frameworks by integrating Reputational risk into the framework and business decision making This ensures reputation is protected into the future as well.   

You will examine high profile case studies of reputation damage from a number of industries with a variety of causes, in order that all participants should be able to relate it back to their industry or organization. 

Improving Decision Making and Expert Judgment  

The course will give you the understanding and tools you need to deal with uncertainty in business and the methods to help you make better quality decisions for the future. You will cover analytical and intuitive decision making and learn how to avoid the systematic errors that can affect decision makers.